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will put down the package of food; lyra put down her little rucksack。 there was no sign of the daemon shadows anywhere。 they were pletely alone。

they took off their shoes and socks and sat down on the mossy rocks at the edge of the stream; dipping their feet in the cold water and feeling the shock of it invigorate their blood。

〃im hungry;〃 will said。

〃me too;〃 said lyra; though she was also feeling more than that; something subdued and pressing and half…happy and half…painful; so that she wasnt quite sure what it was。

they unfolded the cloth and ate some bread and cheese。 for some reason their hands were slow and clumsy; and they hardly tasted the food; although the bread was floury and crisp from the hot baking…stones; and the cheese was flaky and salty and very fresh。

then lyra took one of those little red fruits。 with a fast…beating heart; she turned to him and said; 〃will。。。〃

and she lifted the fruit gently to his mouth。

she could see from his eyes that he knew at once what she meant; and that he was too joyful to speak。 her fingers were still at his lips; and he felt them tremble; and he put his own hand up to hold hers there; and then neither of them could look; they were confused; they were brimming with happiness。

like two moths clumsily bumping together; with no more weight than that; their lips touched。 then before they knew how it happened; they were clinging together; blindly pressing their faces toward each other。

〃like mary said;〃 he whispered; 〃you know straight away when you like someone; when you were asleep; on the mountain; before she took you away; i told pan。。。”

〃i heard;〃 she whispered; 〃i was awake and i wanted to tell you the same and now i know what i must have felt all the time: i love you; will; i love you。。。”

the word love set his nerves ablaze。 all his body thrilled with it; and he answered her in the same words; kissing her hot face over and over again; drinking in with adoration the scent of her body and her warm; honey…fragrant hair and her sweet; moist mouth that tasted of the little red fruit。

around them there was nothing but silence; as if all the world were holding its breath。

balthamos was terrified。

he moved up the stream and away from the wood; holding the scratching; stinging; biting insect daemon; and trying to conceal himself as much as he could from the man who was stumbling after them。

he mustnt let him catch up。 he knew that father gomez would kill him in a moment。 an angel of his rank was no match for a man; even if that angel was strong and healthy; and balthamos was neither of those; besides which; he was crippled by grief over baruch and shame at having deserted will before。 he no longer even had the strength to fly。

〃stop; stop;〃 said father gomez。 〃please keep still。 i cant see you; lets talk; please; dont hurt my daemon; i beg you。。。”

in fact; the daemon was hurting balthamos。 the angel could see the little green thing dimly through the backs of his clasped hands; and she was sinking her powerful jaws again and again into his palms。 if he opened his hands just for a moment; she would be gone。 balthamos kept them closed。

〃this way;〃 he said; 〃follow me。 e away from the wood。 i want to talk to you; and this is the wrong place。〃

〃but who are you? i cant see you。 e closer; how can i tell what you are till i see you? keep still; dont move so quickly!〃

but moving quickly was the only defense balthamos had。 trying to ignore the stinging daemon; he picked his way up the little gully where the stream ran; stepping from rock to rock。

then he made a mistake: trying to look behind him; he slipped and put a foot into the water。

〃ah;〃 came a whisper of satisfaction as father gomez saw the splash。

balthamos withdrew his foot at once and hurried on; but now a wet print appeared on the dry rocks each time he put his foot down。 the priest saw it and leapt forward; and felt the brush of feathers on his hand。

he stopped in astonishment: the word angel reverberated in his mind。 balthamos seized the moment to stumble forward again; and the priest felt himself dragged after him as another brutal pang wrenched his heart。

balthamos said over his shoulder; 〃a little farther; just to the top of the ridge; and we shall talk; i promise。〃

〃talk here! stop where you are; and i swear i shant touch you!〃

the angel didnt reply: it was too hard to concentrate。 he had to split his attention three ways: behind him to avoid the man; ahead to see where he was going; and on the furious daemon tormenting his hands。

as for the priest; his mind was working quickly。 a truly dangerous opponent would have killed his daemon at once; and ended the matter there and then; this antagonist was afraid to strike。

with that in mind he let himself stumble; and uttered little moans of pain; and pleaded once or twice for the other to stop; all the time watching closely; moving nearer; estimating how big the other was; how quickly he could move; which way he was looking。

〃please;〃 he said brokenly; 〃you dont know how much this hurts; i cant do you any harm; please can we stop and talk?〃

he didnt want to move out of sight of the wood。 they were now at the point where the stream began; and he could see the shape of balthamoss feet very lightly pressing the grass。 the priest had watched every inch of the way; and he was sure now where the angel was standing。

balthamos turned around。 the priest raised his eyes to the place where he thought the angels face would be; and saw him for the first time: just a shimmer in the air; but there was no mistaking it。

the angel wasnt quite close enough to reach in one movement; though; and in truth the pull on his daemon had been painful and weakening。 maybe he should take another step or two。。。

〃sit down;〃 said balthamos。 〃sit down where you are。 not a step closer。〃

〃what do you want?〃 said father gomez; not moving。

〃what do i want? i want to kill you; but i havent got the strength。〃

〃but are you an angel?〃

〃what does it matter?〃

〃you might have made a mistake。 we might be on the same side。〃

〃no; were not。 i have been following you。 i know whose side youre on; no; no; dont move
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