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Rosa Alchemica-第3章

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e valley of roncesvalles the last trumpet of the bodys will and pleasure; and of hamlet; who saw them perishing away; and sighed; and of faust; who looked for them up and down the world and could not find them; and under the power of all those countless divinities who have taken upon themselves spiritual bodies in the minds of the modern poets and romance writers; and under the power of the old divinities; who since the renaissance have won everything of their ancient worship except the sacrifice of birds and fishes; the fragrance of garlands and the smoke of incense。

the many think humanity made these divinities; and that it can unmake them again; but we who have seen them pass in rattling harness; and in soft robes; and heard them speak with articulate voices while we lay in deathlike trance; know that they are always making and unmaking humanity; which is indeed but the trembling of their lips。

he had stood up and begun to walk to and fro; and had bee in my waking dream a shuttle weaving an immense purple web whose folds had begun to fill the room。 the room seemed to have bee inexplicably silent; as though all but the web and the weaving were at an end in the world。 they have e to us; they  have e to us; the voice began again; all that have ever been in your reverie; all that you have met with in books。 there is lear; his head still wet with the thunder?storm; and he laughs because you thought yourself an existence who are but a shadow; and him a shadow who is an eternal god; and there is beatrice; with her lips half parted in a smile; as though all the stars were about to pass away in a sigh of love; and there is the mother of the god of humility who cast so great a spell over men that they have tried to unpeople their hearts that he might reign alone; but she holds in her hand the rose whose every petal is a god; and there; o swiftly she es! is aphrodite under a twilight falling from the wings of numberless sparrows; and about her feet are the grey and white doves。 in the midst of my dream i saw him hold out his left arm and pass his right hand over it as though he stroked the wings of doves。 i made a violent effort which seemed almost to tear me in two; and said with forced determination: you would sweep me away into an indefinite world which fills me with terror; and yet a man is a great man just in so far as he can make his mind reflect everything with indifferent precision like a mirror。 i seemed to be perfectly master of myself; and went on; but more rapidly: i mand you to leave me at once; for your ideas and phantasies are but the illusions that creep like maggots into civilizations when they begin to decline; and into minds when they begin to decay。 i had grown suddenly angry; and seizing the alembic from the table; was about to rise and strike him with it; when the peacocks on the door behind him appeared to grow immense; and then the alembic fell from my fingers and i was drowned in a tide of green and blue and bronze feathers; and as i struggled hopelessly i heard a distant voice saying: our master avicenna has written that all life proceeds out of corruption。 the glittering feathers had now covered me pletely; and i knew that i had struggled for hundreds of years; and was conquered at last。 i was sinking into the depth when the green and blue and bronze that seemed to fill the world became a sea of flame and swept me away; and as i was swirled along i heard a voice over my head cry; the mirror is broken in two pieces; and another voice answer; the mirror is broken in four pieces; and a more distant voice cry with an exultant cry; the mirror is broken into numberless pieces; and then a multitude of pale hands were reaching towards me; and strange gentle faces bending above me; and half wailing and half caressing voices uttering words that were forgotten the moment they were spoken。 i was being lifted out of the tide of flame; and felt my memories; my hopes; my thoughts; my will; everything i held to be myself; melting away; then i seemed to rise through numberless panies of beings who were; i understood; in some way more certain than thought; each wrapped in his eternal moment; in the perfect lifting of an arm; in a little circlet of rhythmical words; in dreaming with dim eyes and half?closed eyelids。 and then i passed beyond these forms; which were so beautiful they had almost ceased to be; and; having endured strange moods; melancholy; as it seemed; with the weight of many worlds; i passed into that death which is beauty herself; and into that loneliness which all the multitudes desire without ceasing。 all things that had ever lived seemed to e and dwell in my heart; and i in theirs; and i had never again known mortality or tears; had i not suddenly fallen from the certainty of vision into the uncertainty of dream; and bee a drop of molten gold falling with immense rapidity; through a night elaborate with stars; and all about me a melancholy exultant wailing。 i fell and fell and fell; and then the wailing was but the wailing of the wind in the chimney; and i awoke to find myself leaning upon the table and supporting my head with my hands。 i saw the alembic swaying from side to side in the distant corner it had rolled to; and michael robartes watching me and waiting。 i will go wherever you will; i said; and do whatever you bid me; for i have been with eternal things。 i knew; he replied; you must need answer as you have answered; when i heard the storm begin。 you must e to a great distance; for we were manded to build our temple between the pure multitude by the waves and the impure multitude of men。


Rosa AlchemicaIII

i did not speak as we drove through the deserted streets; for my mind was curiously empty of familiar thoughts and experiences; it seemed to have been plucked out of the definite world and cast naked upon a shoreless sea。 there were moments when the vision appeared on the point of returning; and i would half?remember; with an ecstasy of joy or sorrow; crimes and heroisms; fortunes and misfortunes; or begin to contemplate; with a sudden leaping of the heart; hopes and terrors; desires and ambitions; alien to my orderly and careful life; and then i would awake shuddering at
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