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5 midnight sun午夜阳光-第70章

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g for。 So are you going out again? Jessica demanded。 He offered to drive me to Seattle Saturday because he thinks my truck isn t up to it does that count? Hmm。 He sure is going out of his way to well; take care of her; sort of。 There must be something there on his side; if not on hers。 How could THAT be? Bella s crazy。 Yes; Jessica answered Bella s question。 Well; then; Bella concluded。 Wow Edward Cullen。 Yes。 Whether she likes him or not; this is major。 I know; Bella sighed。 The tone of her voice encouraged Jessica。 She must realize Wait! Jessica said; suddenly remembering her most vital question。 kissed you? Please say yes。 And then describe every second! Has he Finally she sounds like she gets it! No; Bella mumbled; and then she looked down at her hands; her face falling。 It s not like that。 Damn。 I wish Ha。 Looks like she does to。 I frowned。 Bella did look upset about something; but it couldn t be disappointment like Jessica assumed。 She couldn t want that。 Not knowing what she knew。 She couldn t want to be that close to my teeth。 For all she knew; I had fangs。 I shuddered。 Do you think Saturday ? Jessica prodded。 Bella looked even more frustrated as she said; I really doubt it。 Yeah; she does wish。 That sucks for her。 Was it because I was watching all this through the filter of Jessica s perceptions that it seemed like Jessica was right?

For a halfsecond I was distracted by the idea; the impossibility; of what it would be like to try to kiss her。 My lips to her lips; cold stone to warm; yielding silk And then she dies。 I shook my head; wincing; and made myself pay attention。 What did you talk about? Did you talk to him; or did you make him drag every ounce of information out of you like this? I smiled ruefully。 Jessica wasn t far off。 We talked about the English essay a little。 I don t know; Jess; lots of stuff。 A very little。 Oh; c MON。 I smiled wider。 Please; Bella! Give me some details。 Bella deliberated for a moment。 Well okay; I ve got one。 You should have seen the waitress flirting with him it was over the top。 But he didn t pay any attention to her at all。 What a strange detail to share。 I was surprised Bella had even noticed。 seemed a very inconsequential thing。 Interesting Hmm。 That s a good sign。 Was she pretty? Must be a female thing。 It Jessica thought more of it that I did。 Very; Bella told her。 And probably nieen or twenty。 Jessica was momentarily distracted by a memory of Mike on her date Monday night Mike being a little too friendly with a waitress who Jessica did not consider pretty at all。 She shoved the memory away and returned; stifling her irritation; to her quest for details。 Even better。 He must like you。 I think so; Bella said slowly; and I was on the edge of my seat; my body rigidly still。 But it s hard to tell。 He s always so cryptic。 I must not have been as transparently obvious and out of control as I d thought。 Still observant as she was How could she not realize that I was in love with her? I sifted through our conversation; almost surprised that I hadn t said the words out loud。 It had felt like that knowledge had been the subtext of every word between us。 Wow。 How do you sit there across from a male model and make conversation? I don t know how you re brave enough to be alone with him; Jessica said。 Shock flashed across Bella s face。 Weird reaction。 Why? He s so What s the right word? What does she think I meant?

Intimidating。 I wouldn t know what to say to him。 I couldn t even speak English to him today; and all he said was good morning。 I must have sounded like such an idiot。 Bella smiled。 I do have some trouble with incoherency when I m around him。 She was almost unnaturally selfShe must be trying to make Jessica feel better。 possessed when we were together。 Oh well; Jessica sighed。 He is unbelievably gorgeous。 Bella s face was suddenly colder。 Her eyes flashed the same way they did when she resented some injustice。 Jessica didn t process the change in her expression。 There s a lot more to him than that; Bella snapped。 Oooh。 Now we re getting somewhere。 Really? Like what? Bella gnawed her lip for a moment。 I can t explain it right; she finally said。 But he s even more unbelievable behind the face。 She looked away from Jessica; her eyes slightly unfocused as if she was staring at something very far away。 The feeling I felt now was loosely similar to how it felt when Carlisle or Esme praised me beyond what I deserved。 Similar; but more intense; more consuming。 Sell stupid somewhere else there s nothing better than that face! body。 Swoon。 Is that possible? Jessica giggled。 Unless it s his Bella didn t turn。 She continued to stare into the distance; ignoring Jessica。 A normal person would be gloating。 Maybe if I keep the questions simple。 Ha ha。 Like I m talking to a kindergartener。 So you like him; then? I was rigid again。 Bella didn t look at Jessica。 Yes。 I mean; do you really like him? Yes。 Look at that blush! I was。 How much do you like him? Jessica demanded。 The English room could have gone up in flames and I wouldn t have noticed。 Bella s face was bright red now I could almost feel the heat from the mental picture。 Too much; she whispered。 help that。 Shoot! More than he likes me。 But I don t see how I can What did Mr。 Varner just ask? Um which number; Mr。 Varner? I needed a minute。 It was good that Jessica could no longer quiz Bella。

What on earth was that girl thinking now? More than he likes me? How did she e up with that? But I don t see how I can help that? What was that supposed to mean? I couldn t fit a rational explanation to the words。 They were practically senseless。 It seemed I couldn t take anything for granted。 Obvious things; things that made perfect sense; somehow got twisted up and turned backwards in that bizarre brain of hers。 More than he likes me? Maybe I shouldn t rule out the institution just yet。 I glared at the clock; gritting my teeth。 How could mere minutes feel so impossibly long to an immortal? Where was my perspective? My jaw was tight throughout Mr。 Varner s entire trigonometry lesson。 I heard more of that than the lecture in my own class。 Bella and Jessica didn t speak again; but Jessica peeked at Bella several times; and once her face was bri
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