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5 midnight sun午夜阳光-第26章

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Jasper hesitated; and then went to stand against the wall behind Rosalie。 He was decided; regardless of the oute of this discussion。 My teeth locked together。 Alice was the last to e in; and her eyes were focused future; still too indistinct for her to make use of it。 about it; she sat next to Esme。 She rubbed her forehead Jasper twitched uneasily and considered joining her; but I took a deep breath。 on something far away the Without seeming to think as if she had a headache。 he kept his place。 I had started this I should speak first。 I m sorry; I said; looking first at Rose; then Jasper and then Emmett。 I didn t mean to put any of you at risk。 It was thoughtless; and I take full responsibility for my hasty action。 Rosalie glared at me balefully。 What do you mean; take full responsibility ? Are you going to fix it? Not the way you mean; I said; working to keep my voice even and quiet。 I m willing to leave now; if that makes things better。 If I believe that the girl will be safe; if I believe that none of you will touch her; I amended in my head。 No; Esme murmured。 I patted her hand。 No; Edward。 It s just a few years。 Esme s right; though; Emmett said。 You can t go anywhere now。 That would be the opposite of helpful。 We have to know what people are thinking; now more than ever。 Alice will catch anything major; I disagreed。 Carlisle shook his head。 I think Emmett is right; Edward。 The girl will be more likely to talk if you disappear。 It s all of us leave; or none of us。 She won t say anything; I insisted quickly。 Rose was building up to the explosion; and I wanted this fact out there first。 You don t know her mind; Carlisle reminded me。 I know this much。 Alice; back me up。 Alice stared up at me wearily。 I can t see what will happen if we just ignore this。 She glanced at Rose and Jasper。 No; she couldn t see that future not when Rosalie and Jasper were so decided against ignoring the incident。 Rosalie s palm smacked down on the table with a loud bang。 We can t allow the human a chance to say anything。 Carlisle; you must see that。 Even if we decided to all disappear; it s not safe to leave stories behind us。 We live so differently from the rest of our kind you know there are those who would love an excuse to point fingers。 We have to be more careful than anyone else! We ve left rumors behind us before; I reminded her。 Just rumors and suspicions; Edward。 Evidence! I scoffed。 Not eyewitnesses and evidence!

But Jasper was nodding; his eyes hard。 Rose Carlisle began。 Let me finish; Carlisle。 It doesn t have to be any big production。 The girl hit her head today。 So maybe that injury turns out to be more serious that it looked。 Rosalie shrugged。 Every mortal goes to sleep with the chance of never waking up。 The others would expect us to clean up after ourselves。 Technically; that would make it Edward s job; but this is obviously beyond him。 You know I m capable of control。 I would leave no evidence behind me。 Yes; Rosalie; we all know how proficient an assassin you are; I snarled。 She hissed at me; furious。 Edward; please; Carlisle said。 Then he turned to Rosalie。 Rosalie; I looked the other way in Rochester because I felt that you were owed your justice。 The men you killed had wronged you monstrously。 This is not the same situation。 The Swan girl is an innocent。 It s not personal; Carlisle; Rosalie said through her teeth。 us all。 It s to protect There was a brief moment of silence while Carlisle thought through his answer。 When he nodded; Rosalie s eyes lit up。 She should have known better。 Even if I hadn t been able to read his thoughts; I could have anticipated his next words。 Carlisle never promised。 I know you mean well; Rosalie; but I d like very much for our family to be worth protecting。 The occasional accident or lapse in control is a regrettable part of who we are。 It was very like him to include himself in the plural; though he had never had such a lapse himself。 To murder a blameless child in cold blood is another thing entirely。 I believe the risk she presents; whether she speaks her suspicions or not; is nothing to the greater risk。 If we make exceptions to protect ourselves; we risk something much more important。 We risk losing the essence of who we are。 I controlled my expression very carefully。 applaud; as I wished I could。 Rosalie scowled。 It wouldn t do at all to grin。 Or to It s just being responsible。 Every life is precious。 Emmett patted her shoulder。 It s being callous; Carlisle corrected gently。 Rosalie sighed heavily and her lower lip pouted out。 It ll be fine; Rose; he encouraged in a low voice。 The question; Carlisle continued; is whether we should move on? No; Rosalie moaned。 We just got settled。 sophomore year in high school again! I don t want to start on my You could keep your present age; of course; Carlisle said。 And have to move again that much sooner? she countered。

Carlisle shrugged。 I like it here! There s so little sun; we get to be almost normal。 Well; we certainly don t have to decide now。 We can wait and see if it bees necessary。 Edward seems certain of the Swan girl s silence。 Rosalie snorted。 But I was no longer worried about Rose。 I could see that she would go along with Carlisle s decision; not matter how infuriated she was with me。 Their conversation had moved on to unimportant details。 Jasper remained unmoved。 I understood why。 Before he and Alice had met; he d lived in a bat zone; a relentless theater of war。 He knew the consequences of flouting the rules he d seen the grisly aftermath with his own eyes。 It said much that he had not tried to calm Rosalie down with his extra faculties; nor did he now try to rile her up。 He was holding himself aloof from this discussion above it。 Jasper; I said。 He met my gaze; his face expressionless。 She won t pay for my mistake。 She benefits from it; then? set that right。 I won t allow that。 I would only She should have died today; Edward。 I will not allow it。 I repeated myself; emphasizing each word。 His eyebrows shot up。 He wasn t expecting this he hadn t imagined that I would act to stop him。 He shook his head once。 I won t let Alice live in danger; even a slight danger。 You don t feel about anyone the way I feel about her; Edward; and you 
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